maandag 20 juli 2015

Succes is just like being pregnant. Everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you were fucked! . #ThisIsLife #Accept the good let go of the bad! What ever people think, say or do to get in your way. Let it motivate you to get stronger!!!! . #Aesthetic #AestheticAthlete #AestheticFitness . #BodyWeight #BodyweightAthlete #BodyweightFitness . #Fitness #FitnessModel #FitnessAthlete . #Calisthenics #CalisthenicsAthlete . . #BeMoStaMo . #BeMotivatedStayMotivated ! . #Shredz #Shredded #ShredzArmy #ShredzElite !

via Henny Seroeyen

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