maandag 27 juni 2016

#HappyBirthday to myself after #traveling again I just landed in Brussels yes it's a light picture it's from me leaving but I had not had the time to post it yet. So just want to say thank you for all the kind word on all my platforms where you reached out to me in private or public! I had a urgent #meeting in #Poland and met a very big guy there and very humble where in that short time I have learned a lot from! For those who are wondering what just stay tuned because it's a super thing coming up! As I was in the plane it made me think how other people look at you and what I should do with that. And how much some people care and those you expect the most do the opposite. So let's round up here. Voor de #Nederlandstalige en #deBuurtpolitie fans we gaan knallen met de #film dus dat komt ook al dik in orde... #robinenfemke #robinverhaegen #femkevanacker #dbp #buurtpolitie #degrotegeldroof #fitdutchies #fitdutchie #fitfam

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