zaterdag 31 december 2016

#didyou ? #enjijdan ? #lastworkoutoftheyear did you stay at home? Why? Okay if you need to work that's a good excuse as that's what pays the bills but if you just think... #whyshouldi ? ... ! Wrong #mentality of you have no reason at all it's not fair to your body who would have loved that last workout. Now considering all and each one of you , you also have a future you are working on and indeed life is more then just sports. That true as that is also a motivation next to training you need to maintenance, but most people forget that it's a lifestyle where you are as you want to grow in fitness in sports or in each and other business to keep your mind in focus and not loose any edges you need to have a body that's in shape. And then I don't mean you need a six pack but you need a body that gets physical movement. Now I don't know #einstein personally but i do know he was a very smart man, and yes he did you see it coming he kept his body in shape with just simple walking when he was brainstorming or make experimental thoughts so yes moving improves the productivity of the brain mass. So point being... get your body in physical shape and get a smarter mind. #igyearinreview #igreview #igpost #fitdutchies #fitdutchie #fitdutchbodies #fitdutch #fitdutchpeople #fitandhealthy #fitanddutch #fitandsmart #entrepreneur #venum #fitnessdestap #fitbelgium #fitbelgian

via Henny Seroeyen

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