zondag 29 oktober 2017

You don’t just get skills ๐Ÿ’ฅ you create ⚙️ them! And one of the best ways to created them is to do as much variations in a training and techniques as you can. I’ve trained on the #skillmill from Technogym and I can tell you that this is a very advance training machine with many variations in running and there training systems and if you follow the guidelines or you are creatieve in sports the workout possibilities are endless but superb for your conditioning from #cardio , #HIIT , power , technique , functional and so many more . . . . . . . . . . . . #championstrainwithtechnogym #technogym #technogymvillage #technogymwellnessvillage #technogym

via Henny Seroeyen http://ift.tt/2xyolCR

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